Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Minutes of the John Hunt Morgan Camp, September 15, 2012

The John Hunt Morgan Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans held its monthly meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at the South Park Country Club.

The following were in attendance: Ben Kennedy, Noble Roberts, Danny Davis, Harold Sneed, Ike Smith, Gene Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Land, Nancy Hitt, and Bennett Young.

After opening with the pledge and salute to the flags, Ben Kennedy gave the devotional.

The camp voted to hold Confederate Memorial Day on June 8, 2013. This will be a joint service with the Orphan Brigade. The Orphan Brigade may obtain a second speaker for this event. The camp would like to have a cannon for our confederate memorial event. Gene Wood will contact Larry Powell with the hope of obtaining a cannon for our use.

The possibility of joint memorial service honoring John Hunt Morgan's birth with the Breckinridge Camp was discussed. Nothing definite was settled about this proposal.

The camp voted to have Lori Roberts portray Mrs. Stonewall Jackson at our annual Lee-Jackson dinner. She portrays Mrs.Jackson as his widow. The date of the Lee-Jackson dinner is Saturday, January 19, 2013.

Noble Roberts informed us of a VFW program called, Wounded Warriors. This program uses dogs to help veterans adjust to civilian life.

A memorial service commemorating the battle of Augusta, Ky will be held on September 28-30. Nancy Hitt and Dr. James Ramage will be in attendance.

The next commander's luncheon will be held on Friday, September 28 at O'Charleys on Breckinridge Lane at noon. Camp members are invited for a time of food and fellowship. Each member
is responsible for the cost of his own meal.

Danny Davis adjourned the meeting around noon.

These minutes are respectfully submitted,
Bennett Young III

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